I am Lantian, formerly known as Lantian D, a Chinese-born artist based in London.

My evolving painting series, anchored in its dual titles—the Latin Hortus Conclusus (“enclosed garden”) and the Taoist 寓形於兩間 (“taking shape between the two”)—encapsulates my personal and artistic journey. Here, introspection becomes the gateway to a deeper understanding of the world. Conceived over eight years of solitude and reflection, this ambitious body of work now comprises 50 pieces. It traces the journey of a modern individual in search of a soul—seeking meaning, belief, and the ideal amidst the pervasive currents of materialism and nihilism, while navigating through the metaphysical, the psychological, the geopolitical, and the fictional.

On Hortus Conclusus 寓形於兩間 : The Longest Way Round is the Shortest Way Home

我是蘭天,藝術創作者, 生於中國,現居倫敦。

我的繪畫系列,以其雙重題名為锚——拉丁語的Hortus Conclusus(「封閉的花園」)和道家的「寓形於兩間——主題穿行於形而上、心理、時政和文學的领域之間,透過內省來理解世界。歷經八年的孤獨與反思,這一系列現已包含50件作品,描繪了一個現代人尋找靈魂的旅程——在物質主義和虛無主義的洶湧浪潮中,尋求意義、信仰與理想。

談《寓形於兩間 Hortus Conclusus》: 最迂迴的路是最直接的歸途

Life feels like a show, and I’m just a passive actor; only in my work can I seek the real and the ideal. I regard Hortus Conclusus as a ceaseless quest for Art—to paint in order to know, and to know in order to paint. My odyssey has just begun; here are the places I’ve travelled and the chapters I’ve written:


Current Affairs as Subject Matter


Some works draw inspiration from contemporary issues, events, and figures:


**I hesitated at first to categorise my works so pragmatically, but I decided to go ahead. I've come to understand that creating art and exhibiting it are two distinct processes: the first is about artistic expression, the second about sharing that expression effectively.

Until my works are properly exhibited, I have limited interest in selling them. All the works on this site are ready for exhibition.



Creative Diary

The text on these pages largely comes from my creative diaries, capturing my scattered thoughts on art and my evolving understanding of it. Rather than directly explaining my works, I prefer to use metaphors and analogies.

On Hortus Conclusus 寓形於兩間

The Flies

The Inferior Predator

On Nihilism

Rothko’s Suicide: The Danger of Too Much Abstraction

On Anselm Kiefer

Not through Abstraction, But by Analogy

Portraiture in the 21st Century

On Beauty

Sir Roger’s Donkey



談《Hortus Conclusus 寓形於兩間》








