The Silence of Snow


Oil, acrylic, straw, soil, sand, glue, and iron on canvas

114 x 146cm, 2021

I rode through the snow, you hear?

I rode God into the far––the near, he sang,

it was

our last ride over

the human hurdles.

They ducked, when

they heard us overhead, they

wrote, they

lied our neighs

into one of

their pixilated lingos.

––– Paul Celan, Die Niemandsrose

The “snowflakes” that serve as the backdrop of this painting are data on worldwide COVID cases as of December 5, 2021.

The Silence of Snow (detail)

The Silence of Snow (detail)

The Silence of Snow (detail)


The Scaffold 空架子


Danse Macabre 春祭