
• 2012:英国伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS)中国艺术史研究生文凭

• 2008–09:澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney)影视传媒艺术与制作硕士

• 2005–08:澳大利亚悉尼大学(University of Sydney)商业学士(双主修:市场营销与法语研究)



• 两度荣获英国皇家肖像画家协会的 Ondaatje 肖像画奖

• 两次获得加拿大蒙特利尔 Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant(伊丽莎白·格林希尔兹基金奖)

• 作品曾在多家英国大型博物馆展出,包括:

• 伦敦国家肖像美术馆

• 苏格兰国家肖像美术馆

• 利物浦国家博物馆旗下沃克美术馆(Walker Art Gallery)

• 威尔士阿伯里斯特威斯艺术中心

• 桑德兰博物馆及冬季花园(Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens)



多年来的独处、反思与学习,使我构建出一个形而上的框架,支撑起《寓形于两间 Hortus Conclusus》及其长远的成长与演变。这不仅是一条磨练技艺的道路,更是一场在视觉与思想间寻求统一的探险。“吾之所好者,道也,进乎技”。


我的思想与学术兴趣兼纳东西方的文学、哲学、艺术史,也涉及心理学、经济学与政治学等领域。这样的跨学科背景让我能更好地理解当代社会的复杂性,并将其融入更宏大而连贯的艺术视野。我希望做理查德·瓦格纳口中“未来完美的艺术形式 —— Gesamtkunstwerk(整体艺术)“,将多种学科和媒介整合为统一的审美与思想体验。



2022 Won The Ondaatje Prize for Portraiture, and the Gold Medal for the most distinguished portrait in the Royal Society of Portrait Painters

2022 May 5 - 14 Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP), at the Mall Galleries, London

2021 February 12 - June 27 John Moores Painting Prize, at the Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool

2019 May 8 - 24 Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP), at the Mall Galleries, London

2018 Won The L Cornelissen & Son Prize at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters

2018 November 27 - December 9 Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI), at the Mall Galleries, London

2018 April 25 - May 19 'Hortus Conclusus', art residency at the Lingnan University, Hong Kong

2017 May 19 Won The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, Montreal

2017 May 4 - 19 Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP), at the Mall Galleries, London

2016 July 28 - August 7 Society of Women Artists (SWA), at the Mall Galleries, London

2016 Won The Ondaatje Prize for Portraiture, the major prize of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP)

2016 Medal for Excellence by The De Laszlo Foundation

2016  May 5 - 20  Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP), at the Mall Galleries, London

2016  March 17 - April 2  Royal Society of British Artists (RBA), at the Mall Galleries, London

2016  March 7 - 13  Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize, at the Mall Galleries, London

2015  October 21 - November 1  National Open Art Competition, at the Royal College of Art, London

2015  October 7 Won The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, Montreal

2015  June 5 - 13  Society of Women Artists (SWA), at the Mall Galleries, London

2015  April 17 - May 31  BP Portrait Award (tour), at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales

2015  April 16 - May 1 Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP), at the Mall Galleries, London

2015  March 11 - 21  Royal Society of British Artists (RBA), at the Mall Galleries, London

2014  December 9 - 21  Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI), at the Mall Galleries, London

2014–15 November 27 - April 12  BP Portrait Award (tour), at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery

2014  October 4 - November 16  BP Portrait Award (tour), at the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens

2014  June 26 - September 21  BP Portrait Award, at the National Portrait Gallery, London

2014  June 26 - July 5  Society of Women Artists (SWA), at the Mall Galleries, London

2014  May 8 - 23   Royal Society of Portrait Painters (RP), at the Mall Galleries, London


OBIEG (2021)

I Love, Therefore I Am  我爱,故我在 —— 2018年在香港艺术驻留期间的讲座

TATLER - Bystander (2016)



VEXT (2014)

